Thursday, January 7, 2010

I found a use for twitter. Harassing famous people. Today I sent a message to former NBA player Scot Pollard after he made an mark dismissing global warming:

al gore invented global warming. Coldest winter ive ever seen, big al!

I sent him a link to a brand new article on National Geographic's website which included the quote

"People often only consider the weather in their locality and not the global picture"

Why did I do this? I think that he is an interesting individual. He has lots of followers, and he retweeted my comment to him. I dont know what he really believes. I guess theres not really a point. But I liked it, and I think I will keep doing it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This week I signed up for twitter. I dont plan on ever actually tweeting anything. I signed up just to follow people. But not normal people, because we are mostly boring. And Im not into celebrities that much. Mostly NBA players is who I am interested in cyber stalking. Who cares what Jason Richardson eats on the plane late at night? I do. Catfish with mac n cheese.